Hickory Creek Road Phase 3 Project Update

The Hickory Creek Road Phase 3 project is currently experiencing a delay in construction due to rail road coordination and the ONCOR distribution line relocation. Over the last month and a half the project area has experienced an abnormally large amount of rain events. This has delayed ONCOR from being able to relocate the distribution line as most areas of the project have been inaccessible due to the rain. ONCOR crews are currently on emergency response with the storms over the last few weeks as well. As soon as the ONCOR crews are off of emergency response the relocation will begin. City of Denton staff is also coordinating with the railroad to get the project on track. Please use caution and observe all work zone signs while in the Hickory Creek RD area. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at Dustin.Draper@cityofdenton.com or by using the ask a project manager link on the Discuss Denton project page.

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