Pecan Creek Trail Master Plan

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City Council adopted the Parks, Recreation, and Trails System Master Plan on March 1, 2022. The plan identifies a future trail along the Pecan Creek Corridor. The trail length is estimated to be between eight to ten miles. The trail's starting point is from the DCTA Trail/Fred Moore Park, with the endpoint being at Lewisville Lake. The path is proposed to go through both private and City land. Staff is working diligently to identify the areas needed within the private land and engage with the landowners in the pursuit of land dedication or attaining public access easements.

Parks and Recreation will collaborate with the Bike/Ped/ADA Coordinator and Environmental Services and Sustainability staff throughout the creation of this plan. The proposed project will consist of public engagement, needs assessment, conceptual designs, construction documents, the probable cost for the development, and the ability to provide grant writing services. This information will become part of the master plan for constructing the linear trail. The trail includes items such as but is not limited to concrete trails, bridges, boardwalks, landscaping, and typical amenities.

City Council adopted the Parks, Recreation, and Trails System Master Plan on March 1, 2022. The plan identifies a future trail along the Pecan Creek Corridor. The trail length is estimated to be between eight to ten miles. The trail's starting point is from the DCTA Trail/Fred Moore Park, with the endpoint being at Lewisville Lake. The path is proposed to go through both private and City land. Staff is working diligently to identify the areas needed within the private land and engage with the landowners in the pursuit of land dedication or attaining public access easements.

Parks and Recreation will collaborate with the Bike/Ped/ADA Coordinator and Environmental Services and Sustainability staff throughout the creation of this plan. The proposed project will consist of public engagement, needs assessment, conceptual designs, construction documents, the probable cost for the development, and the ability to provide grant writing services. This information will become part of the master plan for constructing the linear trail. The trail includes items such as but is not limited to concrete trails, bridges, boardwalks, landscaping, and typical amenities.

  • Record Breaking Grant Funding!

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    The Texas Transportation Commission approved a historical $345 million for various pedestrian and bicycle projects throughout the state awarding a total of 83 projects. The application submitted was among the 83 and we are set to receive $10.9M grant towards the construction and design of phases 1, 3, and 4a within the Pecan Creek Trail. Stay tuned for more updates, as we continue to build a better, more connected Denton.

    To view a copy of the announcement from TxDOT, click the following link: Historic $345 million approved for pedestrian and bicycle projects across Texas (

  • TxDOT Grant Submitted!

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    The TxDOT 2023 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set Aside Program allocates federal funds to support locally sponsored bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects across communities in the state. On June 5, 2023, the park planning staff officially submitted a detailed TA grant application to secure funding for 3.1 miles of vital segments on the Pecan Creek Trail. The application, totaling $13,714,880.00, was submitted to TxDOT.

    Under this program, the City's responsibility is only a 20% match, amounting to $2,742,976.00. The remaining 80%, which is $10,971,904, will be awarded as reimbursement from TxDOT. The successful implementation of this project will pave the way for improved access and enhanced mobility within our city. We eagerly anticipate the announcement of grant awards in October. Fingers crossed!

  • TxDOT Grant - In Progress!

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    Exciting news for Denton residents and outdoor enthusiasts! The Parks Department has taken the first step in securing funding for the Pecan Creek Trail through the TxDOT 2023 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set Aside Program. This program provides federal funds to support locally sponsored bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects in communities throughout the state. Staff submitted a preliminary application to determine eligibility. If approved, the City of Denton will be invited to submit a detailed application that is due on June 5, 2023.

    Competition for the TA Program is fierce, with TxDOT receiving 466 preliminary applications from 300 unique entities, totaling over $1.7 billion dollars. However, TxDOT has set a limit of $250 million for federal funds to be awarded, meaning that not all projects will receive funding. The City of Denton will therefore need to demonstrate the value of the proposal, which includes 3.25 miles of key segments of the Pecan Creek Trail, two multi-use concrete path segments, 911 emergency signage, and an underpass at Mayhill Road for added safety.

    This proposed project will enhance the trail experience for walkers and cyclists alike, with multi-use concrete paths, pedestrian bridges, ADA ramps, and underpass lighting for safety. The City will only be responsible for a 20% match, with 80% reimbursement of project costs available through the grant.

    Good news for Denton residents, park staff has recently been notified that the project has advanced to the second round and is officially invited to submit the detailed application! Stay tuned for more information on this exciting opportunity to improve local outdoor infrastructure!

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  • Seeking Final Approval of Master Plan

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    Through a series of multiple public outreach events and comments through this platform, staff and Halff was able to prepare a final recommendation for consideration of approval. The estimated total attendance for the 16 events attended was about 6,150 residents. Additionally, staff had over 250 website visits with 90+ residents following the project.

    Most of the feedback received from the meetings was geared towards construction timelines, and park furnishings/amenities along the trail. Unfortunately, these specific aren't necessarily known yet since the scope of the project is to identify the main alignment "blueprint". This will provide the city with a set of 30% construction plans also known as a schematic plan. However, the feedback received is being noted and will be used for future design for this trail. Below is a summary list of the various outreach events City staff attended.

    Public Engagement - Summary
    Date Event Location Estimated Attendance
    June-July 2022 Field Assessments with Urban Forester, Engineering staff On-Site Field Assessment 7 staff & 4 consultant
    Aug. 30, 2022 Virtual Community Meeting Zoom 23
    Sep. 14, 2022 Preserve at Pecan Creek HOA Preserve at Pecan Creek Clubhouse 6
    Sep. 29, 2022 PARKing Day Downtown Square 250
    Sep. 29, 2022
    National Night Out Event Industrial St./Wolff's Park 500
    Oct. 3, 2022
    Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Board Meeting Civic Center
    Oct. 4, 2022
    National Night Out Event Joe Skiles Park 250
    Oct. 5, 2022
    Twilight Tunes Wolff's Park 125
    Oct. 5, 2022
    Denton 360 North Branch Library 18
    Oct. 7-9, 2022
    Denton Arts & Jazz Festival Civic Center/Quakertown Park 4,800
    Oct. 15, 2022
    Dia De Los Muertos MLK Jr. Recreation Center 25
    Oct. 20, 2022
    Twilight Tunes Wolff's Park 100
    Nov. 17, 2022
    State of the City Embassy Suites 25
    Dec. 6, 2022
    ALH Community Lunch ALH Senior Center 12
    Dec. 8, 2022
    SED City Community Meeting MLK Jr. Recreation Center 16

    Additionally, Halff was able to provide cost estimates of the different segments of the trail. A detailed report of those costs can be found on the documents section to the right. Staff is currently in the process of submitting a preliminary application to TXDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) for consideration of funding segment 1 & 3 of the trail. If selected, the deadline for the official application will be due June 2023.

    Below is the process that staff is currently conducting to officially approve the plan.

    • On January 6, 2023, staff provided City Council with an informal staff report providing all the findings related to this project. (Report can be downloaded in the Documents folder on the right of this page).
    • On January 9, 2023, staff presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Beautification board the final presentation that highlighted. Information regarding the attachments and presentation can be found at the following link, Meeting Agenda ( link)
    • January 24, 2033, the Pecan Creek Regional Trail Master Plan is on the City Council Agenda for consideration of approval. The item is listed under the Consent Agenda Item D, ID #23-111. Information regarding the attachments and presentation can be found at the following link , Meeting Agenda ( link)

    If Council approves the final plan, Halff will finalize the 30% construction documents in preparation to submit the official grant application to TXDOT. Halff Associates will need three to four months to complete the 30% schematic plan, which meets the TXDOT grant deadline window.

  • Come Join Us!

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    The master plan process for the alignment of the Pecan Creek Trail is nearing it's completion. Staff is scheduled to present findings to Park Board and Council in January 2023.

    Staff has prioritized going into the community and seeking input by attending numerous events & holding public meetings.

    • August 2022: Virtual Public Meeting
    • September 2022: Preserve at Pecan Creek HOA Meeting, National Night Out event, PARKing Day, Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board
    • October 2022: Arts & Jazz Festival, Twilight Tunes, Denton 360 Group, National Night Out Event, Dia de Los Muertos Event
    • November 2022: State of The City
    • December 2022: ALH & MLK Recreation Center (Week of 12/6/22)

    Overall, the feedback received has shown excitement from the community and support for the proposed alignment. Park staff will be attending two meetings on December 6 & December 8. We would love to have you attend and provide your feedback. For more information about the meeting see below.

    Community Luncheon, December 6, 2022 at 12 PM at the American Legion Hall Senior Center

    Southeast Denton Street Bond Projects Update & Park Projects, December 8, 2022 at 6 PM at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center

    We hope to see you there!

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  • Give us your feedback!

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    supporting image

    The Pecan Creek Regional Trail master plan consists of a schematic plan that starts from the downtown DCTA trail and follows Pecan Creek to connect eastbound towards Lewisville Lake. This plan will serve as the blueprint for the creation of the trail. Ultimately, the Pecan Creek Regional Trail will have access to the DCTA rail trail on the east side of town. Staff anticipates going to City Council by the end of the year to present the findings from the public engagement process and for the adoption of the schematic plan.

    Since the public input meeting in August, Parks and Recreation has prioritized going into the community and seeking input by attending numerous events throughout September and October: the Arts & Jazz Festival, Twilight Tunes, and PARKing Day, to name a few.

    Overall, the staff has received positive feedback for the trail and is satisfied with the alignment. If you like the alignment, let us know. We will love to hear your thoughts if there are any comments or feedback to improve the alignment. Comment below!

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  • Recap - Virtual Community Input Meeting

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    From June to August of 2022, Halff Associates has led several staff meetings and conducted a couple of on-site visits with Parks, Environmental, and Engineering staff along the Pecan Creek corridor. Through these meetings and site visits, Halff produced an initial conceptual alignment to introduce to the community. In addition, the Development Services Review team reviewed the initial conceptual plan and provided feedback to Half Associates.

    On August 31, 2022, Halff Associates and the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) held a virtual community input meeting and presented the conceptual alignment for the Pecan Creek Regional Trail Master Plan. There were 23 community members in attendance. The feedback was mainly directed towards the type of trail surfacing, construction dates, and connectivity to the DCTA/Katy Trail.

    Halff & PARD Staff is seeking additional feedback from the community regarding the trail alignment. The proposed 8-10 mile trail begins from the Downtown DCTA trailhead and traverses various existing parkland, public land, and private development towards Lewisville Lake. . The community meeting was recorded to allow those unable to attend an opportunity to view the project and provide input. The recording is available below or by going to the following link,

    PARD staff is scheduled to present the conceptual design to Park Board on October 3. PARD is identifying additional dates to conduct in-person community meetings, and will be announced soon. To provide feedback or questions click here.

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  • Virtual Community Meeting Scheduled! Join us on August 30th.

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    The Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled a virtual public meeting for the Pecan Creek Linear Trail Master Plan. The Park Planning staff and Consultants have been working diligently on identifying a conceptual plan and are excited to share the information. Additional details will be posted closer to the meeting date. Please join us and help shape the future of our trails!

    This meeting is scheduled to take place on August 30, 2022, at 6 PM

    How to Join the Meeting:
    To register in advance for this webinar, click the link:

    Residents are encouraged to sign up for the virtual meeting at least 24 hours before receiving the meeting link. The City will provide special accommodations, such as sign language interpreters for the hearing impaired if requested at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Please email so that accommodation requests can be reviewed and processed.

    Residents unable to participate are welcome to submit input within the Ideas or comments feature in this platform or email them to Gary Packan, Director of Parks and Recreation, at

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact staff.

  • Design Consultant Hired

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    On May 17, 2022 City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for professional design services for Pecan Creek Linear Trail.

    Halff Associates will work with the Parks and Recreation Department, Environmental Services, Capital Projects/Engineering Department to produce an agreed upon plan through public engagement and board/commission feedback. Based on information gathered from the public meetings, Halff Associates will produce a final conceptual plan, create construction documents, and assist with grant writing.

    Staff and Halff Associates. will initiate an internal kick off meeting to develop a visionary plan for the project schedule. Staff expects to conduct the first public meeting around late summer/early fall. Meeting information will be provided as soon as dates are confirmed.

Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 04:24 PM