Street Operations
The Streets Division is responsible for repairing potholes, minor street failures, sidewalk, curb and gutter repair, and utility cuts made by various franchises. Major street maintenance is also done (reconstruction including seal coating, overlays and heat scarification) to city streets.
Every 5-6 years, the Streets Division conducts a pavement study throughout the City of Denton. To conduct the study, a vehicle travels every street in the City to measure the condition of the streets pavement. With this data, the Streets Division determines a long-term schedule for maintenance and Capital Improvement Projects. Watch the video below to learn more about the process.
For questions regarding street construction on City-maintained roads, or to speak to the Project Management Office, call (940) 349-7146 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. You may also report an issue or request service using the Engage Denton app.
For County-maintained roads, visit the Denton County Road and Bridge page: