Dreaming of Greener Pastures?

This time of year many of us reflect back fondly to just 2 months ago when we had lush gardens and green lawns. While the earth outside more closely resembles burnt toast, we start to daydream about October, when Summer has said its farewell and things in North Texas Spring to life again. Fall, and particularly October, is the best time to plant perennials to ensure a strong root system that can survive the next summer's heat is developed.

The following list of low maintenance, Drought Tolerant Perennials will set your yard up for success next summer

Ajuga, Artemisia, Baby's Breath, Baptisia, Bee balm, Black-Eyed Susan, Butterfly Weed, Candytuft, Chrysanthemum, Columbine, Coneflower, Corabells, Coreopsis, Daylily, Gaillardia, Gaura, Gazania, Gerbera daisy, Goldenrod, Hardy Ice plant, Hellebores, Hosta, Iris, Lamb's Ears, Lantana, Liatris, Lily of the Nile, Mexican Sunflower, Peony, Perovskia, Phlox, Red Hot Poker, Salvia, Sedum, Shasta Daisy, Stokes' Aster, Verbascum, Verbena, Veronica, Yarrow.

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