Planting Buffalograss To Save Time and Money
Did you know that Bermuda and St. Augustine grasses are invasive species? These grasses will take over unintended areas like garden beds, sidewalk cracks, and everywhere else you don’t want. Buffalograss is a native species to Texas. According to the Texas Water Commission Buffalograss watering schedule can range from every 21-45 days. Compared to Bermudagrass and St. Augustine that need to be watered every 5-10 days that is a big difference. Buffalograsses mature height is 4-6 inches saving yourself from mowing every week.
The guidelines created by United States Department of Agriculture state, you can establish buffalograss by seed in late spring (April to September) or plugs in early fall (6 weeks before the first frost about Oct. 30th). For seed you will need to remove all vegetation to create seed to soil contact then use a seed broadcaster at 3-5lbs per 1,000ft2. Plugs can be planted straight in the soil and will begin to spread between 8-12 weeks after planting. It is important to keep the soil moist until the Buffalograss is established.
For more information check out: Wildscapes: Buffalograss - TPWD (
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