Reuse Water!
With the new watering restrictions and our recent capacity challenges, it’s important to highlight ways that Denton Water Utilities is working to meet our water current and future water supply needs. Today we’re highlighting reclaimed water, also known as recycled water, or reuse water. After wastewater is cleaned at our local Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant, the resulting effluent can either be returned to the local system of creeks and lakes that it was pumped out of, or it can be chlorinated and pumped into a separate distribution system for non-drinking water uses. The City of Denton has over 5 miles of such pipes, delivering reclaimed water to several customers for uses such as irrigation, car washing, and power plant cooling tower make-up water. By sourcing reclaimed water for these needs, our reuse customers took a load off the regular drinking water distribution system, helping keep our numbers below drought triggering thresholds. These were not small numbers either! See the below chart to compare potable numbers to reuse numbers. Many days saw over 1 million gallons of reuse. As Denton continues to grow, we’re working to grow the reclaimed water system with it, leaving more water in our reservoirs, and saving treatment capacity at our water production plants. Learn more about the city’s reuse program at our website,water%20were%20distributed%20to%20customers.
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